Arbeitsgerät, Camper, Sufer-Bus und Wochenendspielzeug – es gibt viele Gründe weshalb die Leute den VW T4 lieben – und es werden immer mehr. In der VW Szene hat es sich längst herumgesprochen. Der T4 lässt sich noch zu erschwinglichen Preisen erstehen und eignet sich als Alltagswagen. In Heritage Tradition gibts es auch zu diesem Modell … Continued

The right to drive

As ever more stringent air quality legislation threatens to ban older cars from some of our inner cities, the authors of a recent study into driverless cars hint at a further curb to our enjoyment…

VW Sleepers

There’s always been a certain kudos in owning a car that looks like a snail but goes like a scalded hyena. The much fabled ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’. There’s all sorts of aftermarket engine upgrades available to soup a VW and make it go faster than it looks like it should but some cars left … Continued

What is Cal-style and Cal-look?

Southern California has traditionally been the place where rules are bent, boundaries pushed and VW trends are started. But there were two quite different car cultures to come out of SOCAL in the late seventies and they’re easily confused. So here’s our at a glance interpretation of the main differences between ‘Cal-style’ and ‘Cal-look’

VW T1/T2 Bulli Kauftipps

Das coole Transportmittel der Hippie-Szene ist längst Kult. Der Klassiker erfreut sich einer stark wachsenden Fangemeinde. Blechnostalgiker wie wir lieben den Bulli sowieso. Damit auch du Spaß am Kultmobil haben kannst kommen hier unsere VW T1/T2 Bulli Kauftipps vom Experten. Fahrspaß Zugegeben, lange Autobahnfahrten mit einem der ersten T1 Bullis bringen eher weniger Spaß – … Continued

Guía de compra de VW T5

Como un vehículo actualizado para todos los días y para complementar a tu Volkswagen vintage, la T5 es de lo más cool y práctico que puedes comprar. Además si su valor acaba incrementándose como el de las otras VW transporter puede que además estés haciendo una inversión si decides comprarte una ahora. Así que aquí queda nuestra … Continued

Top 10 Weirdest Volkswagens

The classic Volkswagen is everywhere these days; on TV adverts, printed on T-shirts, and parked by the beach throughout the summer. Sometimes though, owners feel they might be able to add a ‘little something’ extra to theirs, to make them stand out even more. We have put together a selection of ten of the weirdest classic … Continued

Golf GTi – early impressions

Continuing our 40th anniversary celebrations of the first totally iconic Golf GTi, we’ve plundered the archives to find out what the UK press thought about the car and specifically how it compared to our home-grown Ford XR3 rival. Their findings make interesting reading…

Mad as a March Hare

In our never-ending quest to uncover the most oddball VWs ever made we’ve discovered yet another totally bonkers VW-based kit car. Indeed, this one’s almost as mad as its name…

Ewan McGregor sells his Beetle for £20,000

Forget the big, brash steroid pumping SUVs, the exotic Italian sports cars and the Hummers – acting legend and star of Shallow Grave, Trainspotting and more recently Star Wars VII up until recently Ewan McGregor has been trundling around Tinseltown in something a lot cooler. Namely a 1960 De Luxe sunroof Beetle. However, with a … Continued