5 essential spares to take on your next trip

We had a customer tell us about a friend who had to walk five miles because his clutch cable had snapped. Okay, we suspect he could have done some jiggery-pokery with engine revs and skillfully slipped the car through the gears to get home, but it highlighted a genuine issue. One that could easily be … Continued

How to build a VW parts warehouse!

After a lot of planning, and even more hard work, we are now moved in to our new warehouse in Shoreham-by-Sea. Moving 16,000 different part lines, and hundreds of thousands of individual components is no small task, but we thought we’d talk you through how we did it. 


As you rock up to work and reach for the Tetley’s, spare a quick thought for a couple who have chosen a very different work/life regime. One that involves a T25 called Boscha, lots of travel – and a host of new and exciting challenges that will no doubt shape and enrich their lives forever…


Interest in the versatile and ultra cool T4 has been on an upward trajectory in the last few years and the upsurge shows no sign of abating… Practical, affordable and great looking – it seems everyone wants one of these strong, handy holdalls these days. And when Dub scene aficiondos finally do get hold of … Continued


El interés en la versátil y fantástica T4 ha estado en trayectoria ascendente en los últimos años y no parece disminuir … Práctica, asequible y de gran aspecto – parece que todo el mundo quiere una estos días. Y cuando una T4 cae en manos de entusiastas, es usualmente mimada al máximo – presumiendo de … Continued

Fancy a winter project?

As the night’s draw in, a lot of us will be looking for a suitable project to while away the worst of the winter weather. But it would have to be a brave person, indeed, to take on this trio of somewhat worse for wear Karmann Ghias spotted for sale recently in the classifieds…

Forge finishes its Mk1!

Having plundered our warehouse for parts, Zac Miles from top tuners Forge Motorsport has finally finished his Golf Mk1 project. And what a totally superb job he’s made of it…

Meet ‘Walter’ the giant bus!

Imagine rocking up to a Dub show in this giant, brightly painted bus which towers 13ft tall and actually drives! It’s been custom built from a US fire tender and it’s been travelling around the States spreading a message of creativity, peace and inspiration…

Heretics meets say goodbye to Burgess Hill!

There were mixed emotions as we held our last ever VW Heretics meet in Burgess Hill on the 21st August. Excitement as we were only days away from moving to our new premises, but sadness too, as it had finally sunk in, we were leaving Burgess Hill behind for pastures new.