VW Heritage Milestones

We’re turning 30 this year, which we felt was enough of a reason to take a look back on our history. We’d like to share with you some of our memorable moments, milestones and team members over the past 30 years; but before that, a whistle stop tour to how it all began!

Brands Hatch: An Icon of British Motor Racing

One of Great Britain’s most iconic motorsport venues, Brands Hatch plays host to VW Heritage on 7th July as we celebrate our 30th Anniversary. A multitude of motorsport champions like Stirling Moss, Jim Clark, Barry Sheene, Jack Brabham and Ayrton Senna have all raced and won at this popular track; and you could be driving … Continued

Turbocharged Notchback for sale

The humble 1500 ‘notch’ was introduced in 1961, but who would have imagined back then that one day someone would increase capacity to a far more hairy 2275cc, then bolt on a blower? This totally pristine ’64 example has had the Dub world drooling for the last few years, but now it’s actually come up … Continued

Guía de compra de Karmann Ghia Tipo 1

Diseñado por la carrocería Ghia de Turín y construido por Karmann con un motor VW, no es de extrañar que el Karmann Ghia acabase convirtiéndose en uno de los cupés de culto refrigerados por aire con un look más espectacular. Con un diseño así, parecía que no importar que la potencia no importaba mucho ni … Continued

VW Motorsport highlights

Volkswagen’s made its mark in the world of motorsport on virtually every surface, racking up numerous successes on asphalt, gravel, snow, ice and desert and what began in the mid-1960s with Formula Vee is now continuing into the future with the Polo R WRC…

T25 camper conversions

With the arrival of the T25 in 1980 came the recognition that its slightly more accommodating ‘breeze block’ shape and bigger interior would make it even more useful as a camper than its bay window predecessor. Various firms across the land started kitting them out accordingly, but only a handful of companies got VW’s ‘official’ … Continued

Guía de compra de VW Camper

No hace falta que lo digamos nosotros, las furgonetas clásicas VW están en auge. Ya sea una Split o una Bay Window, hacen que disfrutes de hasta los viajes más cortos y allá donde vayas las miradas de admiración son de lo más habitual al llegar en una de estas características furgos.

Theo Decker remembered

The legendary Beetle tuner Theo Decker died at the age of 82 this April which prompted us to take a brief look at some of his remarkable and long lasting achievements…

Flooding at VW Heritage!

Last Tuesday turned out to be not ‘just another day in the office’ for us. At about 1.30pm the rain and the roof had a little fight, and unfortunately for us: the rain won. Flooding at VW Heritage!