Jägerbug Engine Build Update

Our new 2276cc engine is now built, bolted into the Jägerbug and running! It’s all come together in a flurry of hard work over the last week or so with a few late nights in the garage for the team. Below are a few pics of the engine being fitted and even a little video … Continued

Heretics 18/06/09

So, the third Heretics meet descended on our Burgess Hill premises on the 18th June. It was a slow to start, and as the grey clouds drew near many of us wondered what the attendance would be like during the course of the evening. True to form, the VW fans turned up and we are … Continued

A few cars past and present

One of our part time members of staff has had a rather impressive selection of vintage VW’s over the years. He dug out some pictures to share with everyone at VW Heritage, so we thought it was only fair that we shared them with you! 1964 Type 3 Squareback. 1958 Porsche 356-A. 1956 RHD 23 … Continued

Jägerbug 2276 Engine Build

Hello again from Team Jägerbug! Right, I’ve managed to sneak out of the garage for just long enough to post a few pictures of the engine build progress. Thankfully our deadline has been moved back a week and the engine now has to be in the car and running to go down to Raceshack on … Continued

The Classic

Barney here in So Cal again, its 7am here and already pretty hot, it might look like a holiday but we have a pretty tough schedule today with 3 companies to see and about 175 miles to cover in LA traffic. After the meet at Nicks on Friday Brit drag racer Richie Webb started a … Continued

Fresh coat for the Sand Scorcher

The Scorcher receieved a fresh coat of paint over the weekend as promised. It was truely a nightmare to mask with only a phone picture to reference from. It was difficult to get rid of the hard edges also so a bit of flatting will be required to blend the 2 colours on the final … Continued

DKP Cruise

Roving Sales Director Barney here from sunny California… I’m here on a little business trip to see some suppliers and check out the VW scene in Southern California and it’s pretty cool! Here are some pics from the DKP cruise at Nicks Burgers in Fullerton. The DKP is probably the oldest VW club in California … Continued

Sand Scorcher Update

After the initial excitement of receiving the replacement bodyshell, the work began prepping it for paint. It was first just roughly flatted back in the hope that a fresh coat of primer and topcoat would cover what was left. Unfortunately the finish wasn’t as good as expected, so the bodyshell had a bath in some … Continued

Batman Descends on Peacehaven

He decided that he didn’t look silly enough, so chose a rather ill fitting Batman outfit for the event. We are pleased to say he earned £505.00 for the charity ‘Adventure Unlimited’. Here are some pictures from the day. Because of the content, viewer discretion is advised. (Sorry Mark! That outfit really isn’t you). Mark … Continued