'58 Ragtop Beetle resto

It stole the show at Volksworld 2015 and in between completing a 13.6 quarter mile at VW Action was named ‘Europe’s most beautiful VW’. We’re talking, of course, about VW Heritage customer Neil Ellis’s ’58 (1959 model) Ragtop Beetle. Neil gave us an exclusive insight into how this amazing creation came together…

Wales Rally update

It’s been a hectic past few weeks for our intrepid duo David Vardy and Bob Beales as they’ve worked tirelessly to prepare their historic Oettinger Beetle for the forthcoming Wales Rally. Alas, little did they know when we first reported on their ambitious campaign on the blog here that they would end up having to … Continued

Why won't my VW start?!

Winter is when you want your VW at its most reliable. Sadly for many it is also when the electrical gremlins start to show up. ‘Why won’t my VW start’ … a phrase muttered by many an enthusiast over the years. Panic not though, here’s a few helpful hints to try and fix your woes!