
Thumbing through the January Issue of PVW I noticed a little picture of a Trabant engined Mk2 Golf, it got me thinking about other non-VW engine transplants, so here’s a few I’ve picked out for your perusal, from the sublime to the quite frankly ridiculous… First up is the aforementioned Trabant engined Mk2, built by … Continued

New Year, New Engine…

We’ve only gone and done it! Making full use of our warehouse, that quite frankly is full to bursting with VW parts. Our engineers have put together a Brand New 1600cc engine to replace the “hole” left by the increasingly expensive Geniune Mexican engines. Our Heritage engines, like the old genuine items are completely brand new, … Continued

It could be you….

It might be the focus of the winter countdown for those with enviable show cars, paint jobs to die for and wheels worth more than their car, but for us mere mortals it’s the car park and the club stands,scanning  for inspiration with our mates, grabbing a bargain, a dodgy burger and kicking off the season with a smile. Don’t get … Continued

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2011, heres to hoping its even better than last year! Kick starting the year will be the Heretics Saturday Social meet this Saturday 8th January. Meeting at Heritage HQ from 12 noon, a nice chance to catch up and share your christmas stories with fellow VW fans. Then just a short wait until the proper … Continued

Merry Christmas!

Panic present buying, fridge full of food, relatives you’d rather not see; Christmas is pretty much here now. Heres the important info though.. When we will VW Heritage be open? December 24th 9-2, (25th, 26th, 27th and 28th closed) 29th 9-5.30, 30th 9-5.30, 31st 9-4 (January 1st, 2nd and 3rd we are also closed). We … Continued

Winter'net Wonderland 3

With the return of the snow, here are some more of our current favourites.. if you have taken your own why not share them with us on our facebook page.  Todays main picture as always from Flickr was taken by Mcdronkz, the photos below, are by Lowtech Garage photography, Count Rushmore and Merxifuuu. Hope you liked … Continued


One of the benefits of working for a company that deals with both air cooled and water cooled VW’s is that you get to enjoy both sides of the “scene”, the air cooled fraternity has been enjoying something of a retro renaissance in the form of the “back to 89” movement, true classics like “BillaBug” … Continued

Santa Cruise Success

We raised almost £200 for The Childrens Trust, with our slightly off the wall plan and had a brilliant time doing it. 12 Cars, complete with drivers and passengers dressed up in Santa Costume and a 70 mile round trip up to Tadworth Court near Reigate. The weather stayed on our side, a bit chilly but our bargain Santa Suits … Continued


Over here at BBT we pretty much eat, sleep and breathe Volkswagens, so once we’ve finished a day at the office, most of us head home, and into the garage/workshop/driveway to begin work on our own projects, so I thought I’d introduce some of our current “works in progress” Ladies first, we’ve got Anna, more … Continued


Grounded member Jon Grant’s ’87 Mk2 should need no introduction, but for those of you who aren’t familiar with this vision in white, the lowdown goes like this. Originally owned by his mum, Jon got his hands on the car and gradually modified it, going through a couple of phases on the way, leading up … Continued