What’s your VW worth to you?

We know lots of customers who see their Dub as priceless. In fact, lots would probably rather sell their children than part with their VW. Okay, we’re hoping that’s not actually the case – but certainly it would take a fair bit of persuasion and a decent amount of moolah to convince them to sell. Just like Uruguayan president Jose Mujica who’s been offered $1m for his tatty blue 1987 Beetle…

Yes, you read right, the man once nicknamed ‘the poorest president in the world’ has apparently been offered a cool million dollars by an Arab sheik for his humble Bug.

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Mujica, a former leftist guerilla leader, created quite a stir when he took up his presidency in 2010 and promptly declared that his entire wealth amounted to… a 1987 Beetle. Apparently, even the ramshackle farm where he lives belongs to his wife…

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The poverty struck politician said he would gladly sell the Beetle if it were not for his dog, Manuela, famous for only having three legs, needing the car to get around in. Quizzed as to why he thought someone would be willing to pay a fortune for his Beetle, Mujica implied that everyone needs certain symbols and revealed that he also keeps a hammer and shovel that belonged to his dad. “They are little things to the world, but are worth a lot to you,” he is reported to have said.

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If Mujica did finally part with his car for a $1m, he said he would donate the money to a scheme for the homeless. He’d also have to keep Manuela happy, we presume, with suitable alternative transport. But whether the hapless hound would settle for anything less than a VW remains uncertain – and indeed, despite the size of the offer, we reckon that could be the deal breaker…


The opinions expressed here are the personal opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of VW Heritage

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