As we can’t get to every show on the calendar we are always interested to hear how it was for you. This report comes from Dan Power, he spent the weekend at Santa Pod for Big Bang… it’s one that will be talked about for a long time to come!
The risk of pre-ordering a weekend camping ticket to a VW show, is not knowing the outcome of the weather, but this was just crazy!
Jump in Caddy, pick up mate, pick up beer, cruise down to Pod with fellow dubbers, chill in sun and have a wicked time with mates etc… Right? Wrong.
DAY 1: Saturday
So I arrive at a meeting point in Cambridge to discover that almost everyone had been smart enough to back out due to the rain forecast. But I don’t blame them! Arriving at Santa Pod it looked promising, as my windscreen wipers didn’t have to work overtime. Was the sun about to make an appearance? No.
Parking your car wouldn’t usually be a key point in telling a story, that’s if your little caddy didn’t get bogged down in mud within about the first two meters (bare in mind it was waxed not long before!). After some gentle yet much appreciated persuasion from the stewards, the Caddy was finally parked… PHEW!
As I stepped out of a warm truck, I immediately regretted not buying those wellies in Tesco previously that morning as my trainers sunk into the bog that i had parked in. And how does mud make its way into your hair? Anyway, after looking around, taking photographs and genuinely trying to fight the cold and avoid the rain it was now getting late and time to set up camp!…
Only to realise that the pins that hold down the tent were not with it (GREAT). I decided I would destroy my neck by sleeping up right in a Caddy with no headrests -.-

DAY 2: Sunday
Wake up with a ruined neck. And then get told to leave (huh?).
Although it may not sound like I did, I still really enjoyed myself and had a great laugh with friends and watching almost every VW get stuck in the mud, ended up with some half decent photos considering it did not stop raining the whole time! It was a new experience, let’s put it that way!
Bring on BugJam!
If you would like to tell us all about your weekend at a show – send us a few words and some photos and we will post the best ones on our blog for all the world to see! Please email or contact us through Facebook, as Dan did.